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- DATA -
Mission ID 20
Author Hans
Date 2015-08-01 11:00:00
Mission Name Basic Training
Duration 1:30
Mission Task Basic Training
TS Server 87th
Server Hans
Primary TgT
Secondary TgT
Alternate Airbase
Loadout Changeable no
Start ramp
Difficulty Rating 2
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OTHER 4 x F16C-52 Cowboy 1 TO: Push: ToT: Homeplate: Kimpo
Checked in Pilots: 2 Of 4

OTHER Cowboy 1 - 1 Hans
OTHER Cowboy 1 - 2 Orr
OTHER Cowboy 1 - 3
OTHER Cowboy 1 - 4


Basic Training

Minimum requirements: Working install. Comms and connection tested with someone else already, You studied the reading material for the segment you want to do.


Available slots: 3 for B01, B02 and B04

---------    -------- 1 for B03


This will be a B-02 training flight, You can request something else but Orr came first so B-02 it is.


Please state what you need to train. First come first serve. Add the lesson you need to to behind your nickname e.g "egghead B-01" or "Iceman B-03"

If this particular time or day is not good for you, feel free so sent me a PM. No promises


Important: If you can not make it, sign out again. Sign up is closed 3 days before the date of the training so I can plan my time.


All times are Zulu